With the financial and critical success of the original Godzilla film, both domestically and globally, it wasn’t a matter of whether there would be a sequel but when. Godzilla Raids Again was released in Japan in 1955 whilst the English version was delayed until 1959 and released under the name Gigantis the Fire Monster, which started the trend of choosing humorously peculiar titles for the international release. Modern home video releases have seen the original title restored. The director of the original Godzilla, Ishiro Honda had moved on to other projects, so Godzilla Raids Again was instead directed by Motoyoshi Oda whilst writing credit went to Shigeaki Hidaka, Shigeru Kayama, and Takeo Murata. Of these writers Murata had assisted Honda in writing the screenplay for the original Godzilla.
Despite the original Godzilla having a very self-contained story that didn’t lend itself to a sequel, Godzilla Raids Again was released less than a full year after the original. Now about that story… A pair of pilots make a terrifying and inexplicable discovery off the coast of Japan, a second Godzilla. However, this time he isn’t alone as there is another monster engaged with Godzilla in a battle to the death. His name is Anguirus and the two of them have only destruction on their minds as their fight lays waste to the city of Osaka.

Godzilla Raids Again is notable in the franchise as it was the first to establish the monster vs. monster formula, which nearly all subsequent Godzilla installments would rely upon. However, this film is a bit of an oddity as far as tone. The original Godzilla was very much a film seeking to deliver a serious message, but it came across as more of a horror film than a monster movie. This film attempts to replicate that tone whilst also showing two monsters beating the tar out of each other. The result is a film that comes off as confusing and awkward in terms of atmosphere.

Much like the American recut of the first Godzilla movie, the English release of Godzilla Raids Again saw many changes that differentiated it from its Japanese counterpart. The plot was changed when it came to Godzilla’s origin including his name. These changes not only affected the storyline, but they also replaced Godzilla’s trademark roar with the sporadic cries of Anguirus. They sought to justify this in the English dub by referring to Godzilla as Gigantis, but you can still hear Godzilla’s roar. Like with the recut of King of the Monsters, most of the storyline in the English version is narrated and among the various narrators is a young George Takei of Star Trek fame. Unfortunately, just as with King of the Monsters, this comes at a cost.

The English version features little characterization of the cast and instead verbally informs the audience of everything as it occurs, including how to feel. Despite its problems King of the Monsters struck a much better balance when it came to the breakdown of acting vs. narration, with Gigantis the Fire Monster falling on the wrong side of that line. On the topic of monster effects, Godzilla Raids Again is truly a mixed bag. The monster suits for Godzilla and Anguirus were lighter than the original Godzilla suit, which allowed for greater mobility. This is an improvement since the monsters needed to be able to fight. On the flip side, this film featured more puppet shots for closeups of Godzilla’s upper body. These looked out of place in the last film, and they look even worse here.

Godzilla Raids Again turned in $1.67 million USD at the box office against a budget of 1 million yen. Although the film made money it was not as profitable as the original film. Since this film was received negatively by fans and critics both at home and abroad, it led to a slight hiatus in the franchise as another Godzilla film wouldn’t be produced until 1963. This film may have created the formula for monster action for the rest of the franchise, but it is a troubled film that reeks of a rushed production. I can’t in good faith recommend this movie. If you’re curious about the beginnings of monster vs. monster action, by all means go ahead and see it. As for everyone else, I recommend avoiding it at all costs.